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The SeqLike Object

Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to accurately document the SeqLike object's intended behaviour. It is not a replacement for docstrings, which serve as a reference for the arguments of the SeqLike methods.

You should read this document if:

  1. You are interested in understanding the internals of how the SeqLike object is organized.
  2. You wish to leverage that knowledge to suggest improvements.

What is explicitly out-of-scope for this document are:

  1. Places that we need help (please consult code for TODOs)

SeqLike Object Overview

The SeqLike object aims to be an omnibus object that can accept any kind of biological sequence-like Python data types. This means strings, BioPython Seq or SeqRecord objects, NumPy arrays (and their almost equivalent PyTorch tensors), and more importantly, other SeqLike objects.

Internal to SeqLike objects are a few key attributes that control their behaviour.

Firstly, we maintain a dual representation of nucleotides and amino acids as BioPython SeqRecord objects. These are ._aa_record and ._nt_record, as well as a pointer ._seqrecord that points to only one of the two.

Secondly, we maintain state identifying whether a SeqLike object is an amino acid _type or a nucleotide _type. (Though we use the term "type" here, please don't confuse it with Python object types!)

Thirdly, there is an alphabet attribute.

The alphabet identifies the set of valid characters that can exist inside the sequence, Order matters for the alphabet!

There is also an _index_encoder and _onehot_encoder attribute that gets set, which allow us to easily take a string sequence and convert it into a starter numerical representation for downstream purposes (e.g. as inputs to ML models).

Finally, there is a codon_map attribute that gets set. Setting this allows us to perform back translation from amino acid sequences to nucleotid sequences easily.

The main arguments to the SeqLike object constructor are:

  • sequence: A SeqLike Type object.
  • seq_type: An optional argument that sets the primary ._type of the SeqLike object.
  • alphabet: The set of valid characters for the biological sequence. We provide a standard set that users can use in the top-level seqlike namespace and strongly recommend sticking to them.
  • codon_map: An optional argument that enables back-translation.

In summary, the main attributes are:

  • ._aa_record: A BioPython SeqRecord object.
  • ._nt_record: A BioPython Seqrecord object.
  • ._seqrecord: A BioPython SeqRecord object, which is always a pointer to one of ._aa_record and ._nt_record.
  • ._type: Primary sequence type. A string, one of ("NT", "AA")
  • .alphabet: A string of valid characters for the sequence.
  • ._index_encoder/._onehot_encoder: An encoder function for converting the string into a numerical representation.
  • .codon_map: A callable (i.e. function) that accepts and returns an AA SeqLike object.

How the constructor works

The seqlike package provides the SeqLike class, which is used for constructing SeqLike objects. In the constructor, the seq_type argument is required in order to avoid incorrectly inferring whether a sequence is a nucleotide or amino acid sequence. For convenience, there are also aaSeqLike and ntSeqLike factory functions that return a SeqLike constructed with the appropriate seq_type specified. Inside the SeqLike object's constructor, we use a dispatching pattern that returns a tuple of attributes based on the Python object types that are passed in. This design choice is highly inspired by the dispatching pattern prevalent in the Julia language, which makes reasoning about the behaviour of the constructor much easier. It also makes the code flatter and easier to read. (Zen of Python, friends!) The main function that determines SeqLike attribute values is called _construct_seqlike. At a high level, this is what happens inside _construct_seqlike:

  1. We determine the _type and alphabet of the sequence based on the passed-in seq_type, alphabet, and sequence arguments.
  2. We then identify the appropriate _index_encoder and _onehot_encoder to attach to the object based on the alphabet.
  3. We then construct a BioPython SeqRecord object based on the sequence, _index_encoder, and _onehot_encoder.
  4. Finally, we return the SeqLike object attributes to be set.

Using this pattern ensures consistency in the way we reason about SeqLike objects. By using the dispatching pattern, we can also reason clearly about combinations of cases and what their intended behaviour ought to be.

Coming up, let's see how some of these cases are handled.

God-Mode: When the sequence is a SeqLike object

This mode takes top priority. If a SeqLike object is passed into the SeqLike constructor, such as what happens in the .nt() and .aa() methods, then the dispatched constructor function simply copies all relevant attributes and returns a tuple of them to be set in the object constructor.

Doing so helps with downstream logic; we never have to worry about the SeqLike object type in determining how to construct the object.

Determine the Sequence Type

The ._type attribute semantically maps to the "sequence type", i.e. an amino acid sequence or nucleotide sequence. This attribute can never be None; it must be either "AA" or "NT".

We determine ._type using two pieces of information: the seq_type argument and the sequence argument.

Here are the cases that we consider:

  1. If seq_type is a string, then ._type is set to seq_type.
  2. If seq_type is None, then ._type is inferred using the sequence argument.

Determine the alphabet

Next up, we need to know some information about the sequence's alphabet in order to determine the encoder mode and the relevant encoders. Here are a few cases that we handle:

If the alphabet is user-supplied, our primary assumption is that it is semantically valid for the user's applications. We don't bother validating the alphabet here! Otherwise, the alphabet is inferred using seq_type and sequence; we do our best to map it to one of our supplied alphabets. We think in most cases, you can simply avoid specifying the alphabet and trust that our alphabet inference code will do the right thing.

Create the encoder objects

Next up, we need to obtain the encoders! We maintain dual encoders in SeqLike objects, one for index encoding and one for one-hot encoding. These allow us to get array representations of the sequence. The alphabet order is super duper important here; it will determine the ordering of one-hot and index encodings. Here's an example: if your alphabet is "AUGC" and you ask for an index encoding, the mappings will be A->0, U->1, G->2 and C->3. However, if your alphabet is "AGCU", then you'll still have A->0, but G->1, C->2 and U->3. Try to be sane and stick to the alphabets provided by us :). The encoders, _onehot_encoder and _index_encoder, are then both directly created off the alphabet.

Handle seqrecord creation

Now, we finally handle the sequence object that will become the _aa_record and/or _nt_record. The first thing we need to check is if the object type of sequence passed in is an array-like thing or not. If it is, we need to convert it back into a str type by way of the encoders and their inverse_transform methods. Now, we're ready to turn the sequence into SeqRecord objects.

There is a hierarchy here:

  • ArrayType objects are converted into str objects, which are added to a Seq object inside a SeqRecord.
  • str objects are deep copied and added to a Seq that is inside a SeqRecord object.
  • Seq objects are deep copied and added to a SeqRecord object.
  • SeqRecord objects are directly deep copied.

We can decompose this into a logical information flow that roughly follows our constructor implementation:

ArrayType -> str -> Seq -> SeqRecord

In essence, if we start with an ArrayType, then we call the ArrayType-dispatched function, and return the string representation. We then take the string-dispatched function and return the Seq representation. And so on and so-forth. All of this is handled by dispatching on a single function record_from. (If you're not familiar with what dispatching is, this is inspired from the Julia language. We use the multipledispatch library to handle dispatching, check out its repository here to read more about it.)

By using dispatching, we ensure that whatever data type is passed in for sequence will be handled by the correct function at the correct step, while also minimizing code duplication inside the constructor. Now, while we haven't profiled this just yet, there may be some performance penalty for the nested calls.

Canonically, though, you might be most used to SeqLikes being one of str, Seq, or SeqRecord, and that's perfectly logical. Regardless, you can rest assured that if you pass in any of those three, the dispatched function will get called at the right place.

Finally, there are other kwargs that are passed into the constructor - apart from the _index_encoder and _onehot_encoder that are necessary for converting ArrayTypes, these get fed directly into the SeqRecord constructor.

Conversion between NT and AA

Converting between the nucleotide and amino acid representations of a sequence is one of the core features that the SeqLike object brings to the table. (We show in the tutorial notebooks the kind of situations in which you might want to switch between the two representations.) As you, the biosequence practitioner might know, there are tricky situations that we have to worry about, so we'll go through some of those in detail here.

The semantics of .aa() and .nt() vs. .translate() and .back_translate()

You might be tempted to think that .aa() and .nt() mean .translate() and .back_translate(). Thankfully (and we mean it!), this is not the case. Allow us to explain why. What .nt() or .aa() are supposed to do is return a deepcopy of the SeqLike object with the appropriate ._type, ._index_encoder, ._onehot_encoder, and .alphabet attributes set correctly. It doesn't explicitly do the .translate() or .back_translate() operation. You can think of .nt() and .aa() as switching between views of the same sequence.

By contrast, .translate() and .back_translate() are intended to actively (re)compute the internal representations ._nt_record and ._aa_record. Back translation is especially tricky - for the purposes of engineering mRNA, you might want to have a stochastic back-translation so that you can generate multiple variants in silico. Being Pythonistas, we know from the Zen of Python that explicit is better than implicit. As such, we believe that changing the internal representation is something that should be explicitly requested rather than implicitly done when switching representations.

With all of that said, there is one asymmetry that we would like to point out. It is easy to go from a nucleotide representation to an amino acid representation, if we assume a codon table is present. It's not easy to go backwards, because the process is probabilistic: multiple NT representations could be valid for the same AA representation. Regardless, .aa() has an argument, auto_translate, which is set to True by default, and .nt() has an argument, auto_back_translate, which is set to True by default. Consider it our way of providing magic to ourselves and to our users!

SeqRecord-like behaviour with SeqLike attributes

For users who are used to BioPython SeqRecord objects, we have implemented a custom __getattr__ that delegates attribute access to the underlying SeqRecord object that is stored in either the ._nt_record (for "NT" SeqLikes) attribute or the ._aa_record (for "AA" SeqLikes) attribute when one asks for a SeqRecord attribute.

The overall effect here is that we can access SeqRecord attributes as if they were native to SeqLike objects even though their access is delegated, such as accessing the SeqRecord's description or dbxrefs.

s = SeqLike("AMPELQYTV", seq_type="AA", alphabet=STANDARD_AA)
s.description  # a SeqRecord attribute accessed on a SeqLike object.
s.dbxrefs      # also a SeqRecord attribute

Slicing Behaviour

When we slice into a SeqLike object, we basically are slicing into the underlying SeqRecord object. To do so, we have implemented a custom __getitem__ method that guarantees correct slicing behaviour w.r.t.:

  1. the underlying SeqRecord object(s) (._nt_record and ._aa_record), and
  2. the SeqRecord .letter_annotations dictionaries,

Code Notes

Validation functions

Our validation functions should never, ever, ever return anything. They should error loudly if the validation check errors out or else be silent. We will be utterly confused reading the code if a validation function ever returns anything, so please don't do that!